Before you download your paperwork, please allow us to tell you about our newest, state-of-the-art piece of optometric equipment,
The Optos Monaco
Our office has consistently invested in the latest technology to best serve our patients, including our investment in retinal photography equipment. Patients who have previously visited our practice have all had retinal photos taken as a part of their routine eye exam, and we have now invested in a brand new imaging system that allows us to better images than ever before.
Called the Optos Monaco Ultra-Widefield Imaging System, this retinal camera allows us to take a 200° photo of the back of the eye. With our older equipment, we were only able to achieve a 45° image- which left us “in the dark” about a lot of potential problems and pathology. The current standard of care dictates that a comprehensive eye examination should include the evaluation of the peripheral retina for every patient, every time they get an eye examination, regardless of age. The Optos Monaco allows us to meet and exceed this standard because, not only are we able to view the back of the eye as fully as possible, but also allows us to keep a permanent record of everything we see.
How is this camera different from the old version?
The new Optos Monaco allows us to view
A much larger color field of view (200° vs. 45°).
An Autofluorescence Image- shows the functioning of the layers to detect stress on the retina, which helps us to monitor and potentially treat your eyes before symptoms appear and irreparable damage is done.
OCT Scan- shows us a cross-sectional view of the retina to evaluate the deeper individuals of the retina that are not visible by any other means (similar to the way an MRI allows us to view other parts of the body).
Things like small pupil size and mild to moderate cataracts, which previously interfered with our ability to properly view and image your retina, are no problem for the Optos Monaco!
Allows us to do all of these additional tests without having to dilate your eyes (because who likes having blurry vision and light sensitivity for hours after an eye exam?).
And it only costs $39 for all three sets of images!
Images available with our older camera
images available with the new Optos Monaco
More about The Optos Monaco and Your Eyes
Diseases the Optos Monaco is able to detect include:
Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Tumors and Melanomas
Retinal Tears and Detachments
Changes caused by diabetes
Damage caused by high blood pressure
Signs of Ocular Problems Associated with High Cholesterol